
Download and install index.dat file reader windows 10
Download and install index.dat file reader windows 10

REM and various registry Most Recently Used lists REM (remove REM), Recent (Documents), Recycle Bin folders REM Downloaded Programs, Offline Web Pages, and Windows Temp REM Temporary Internet Files (Cache), History, Typed URLs, REM The following will be purged: Internet Explorer Cookies, You will also note an unusual section at the bottom that creates, runs and then deletes regedit code to remove various Most Recently Used lists from your registry. Please note that the C:\WINDOWS\TEMP folder is REM'd out because that folder can contain installation software components that are accessed during a reboot and should not be deleted before being invoked. These multiple locations further complicate the deletion process. You will note multiple entries, because I have found that these pesky folders/files can appear in several different locations including profiles folders which I don't have. To automate the process at each boot, ZAP.BAT can be called from or added to the auotexec.bat. The batch file must be executed in native DOS mode before Widows is launched to avoid activation of the Windows file locking feature (sharing violation).

download and install index.dat file reader windows 10

I wrote just such a batch file to do that and more. As Majestic suggested those may be deleted via a batch file in DOS before Windows seizes control. As concerns index.dat files, Billy and his boys don't want for you to delete those for various reasons that I'll not go into here. The Windows editor specifically intended for this purpose is regedit and that's what you should use. user.dat and system.dat and is in a format that you cannot readily edit. To echo what has already been said, your registry is comprised of two components. I also use this same clean up batch file to empty my Internet Explorer cache at boot. Once Windows is booted it will recreate the Index.dat file on it's own so there is no ill effect on the operating system.

download and install index.dat file reader windows 10

The batch file will run in MS-DOS before Windows loads and deletes that folder and then will re-make it.

download and install index.dat file reader windows 10 download and install index.dat file reader windows 10

I have found the easiest way to get rid of this file is by creating a batch file that runs when the computer is first booted. The index.dat file you mention I assume is the one in the c:\windows\cookies folder. In the event of problems down the road you will have to restore the registry from a previous good version and hopefully that version isn't one of your edited ones. As Denny stated this procedure can be dangerous if the wrong information is changed or deleted. The regedit program also has a search function in which you can find the information that you want to change or delete. The information in the User.dat file can be edited using the registry editor program (regedit) that comes with Windows.

Download and install index.dat file reader windows 10